Living Sea
Target region
6 regions of Russian Far East with a coastline along the seaside of Japan Sea, Okhotsk Sea and Bering Sea - Primorsky krai, Khabarovsky krai, Magadanskaya oblast, Sakhalinskaya oblast, Kamchatskaya oblast and Chukotsky Autonomous Region.
"The Living Sea" project seeks for cooperation with another regions of Russia and the Far East of Russia.
Objectives and goals.
To make the problems and importance of Far Eastern marine resources conservation clear to the citizens of the Far East.
To contribute to public participation in resolving important problems concerning Far Eastern marine resources conservation and management.
Methods used:
- Conducting of regional and interregional public explanatory actions.
- Making public opinion polls.
- Information dissemination through the Mass-media.
- Collection of signatures.
- Support and joining up of separated organizations and activists, who try to keep our seas pure and rich.
Basic events and final results.
- The protest action against North-East Sakhalin shelf transfer to the first fishing category.
- Public opinion poll of Far East citizens concerning the state and potential threats to the marine resources of the Far East.
- Press-conferences in all region of the Far East devoted to the beginning of Campaign in 2001.
- Ssolidarity action of Sakhalin's citizens , concerned about the oil pollution of Okhotsk Sea in the course of petroleum production on the Sakhalin Shelf.
- Publication of "The Leaves on palms" magazine, dedicated to the "The Living Sea" Project.
Business address of coalition, carrying out the campaign
690091, Vladivostok, P.O. Box 91-246
Phone/Fax: (4232) 20-53-15, 26-96-06, 21-10-96
Anton Semenov ,
Project Manager - Anton Semenov